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How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify - Views ( 2809 )

How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify

Welcome to the How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify Blog Last modified 2017-05-08

How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify

How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify

How To Make An E-Commerce Store Without Shopify, Last Modified, 2017-05-08

There is a new platform which is growing on the internet. It is called It is not going to be for everybody, and indeed, those of you making a killing online will probably be happy to pay 15 or 20% commissions to a major marketplace. If that is you them you should probably stop reading here.

For those of you who have experienced barriers to entry into the potentially very lucrative world of online selling and freedom to be flexible and financially free you might just want to consider registering for a free account with This new upstart offers it's members a FREE Online Store as a simple feature of the platform. This is more radical than you might think, considering the average marketplace charges a whopping 20% in listing fees and commissions.

Store Set Up

The OMB Online Store requires minimal effort to set it up. In fact I would argue none at all since once you have registered an account with the platform, and completed your profile setup, which requires little more than adding a profile photograph and sending out a post or two and friending at least one other person, you can then start creating and editing a product listing. Your customers can make purchases from your OMB store, which uses a custom shopping cart with a PayPal integrated payment processor. lets members post to and OMB Personal Profile page, a bit like Facebook, also members can make and follow other people "friending" and send messages both privately or as status posts. Being fully social it encourages engagement.

Promoting Your Store

In addition to the social features of the site it provides a blogging platform which is automatically optimised for search engines. This makes it Search Friendly, meaning that articles created by members are likely to be found through simple key word search. It is always worth linking to as many social sites as possible of course and this practice is enhanced by the site feature which allows embedding of you tube videos and linking back to Products Listed in your Online store.

Of course products are not going to sell themselves, so once your new Profile Page, OMB Personal Blog and OMB Online Store are looking good, ie, you have added useful content, then it's time to reach out to your target customers. This can be done via Facebook or other forms of online advertising, including advertising with itself but mainly posting and linking your articles, products and social profile for free to all your favourite sites.

The Cost Of Doing Business

According to the OMB Terms and Conditions, there is a small commission charge which is payable only when you make a sale using the platform but it is considerably less expensive than Shopify, or many of the other online marketplaces. This effectively means that new entrepreneurs can start an online store with no financial risk other than the time it takes to set up the profile, and add some quality content.

Articles that are written using the OMB Blogger Platform automatically appear in the main Blogger pages, in the category you selected, these blog posts are also listed in Google Search engine either directly via the Search Console or more likely when the Google Spider automatically crawls the OMB site, which is regularly. So this means new social entrepreneurs avoid having to be SEO experts.

As long as your articles are useful to readers, Google will work its magic and make sure that your page appears in the list of options after a relevant customers search. has been designed to allow bloggers to add key words and key headings. This makes it easy to construct SEO Friendly articles. The forms also facilitate deep linking between articles and their associated products. Deep links within the OMB site reinforces the relevancy to users and thus improves search engine performance. This helps you to get your message and product more widely known by your target customers.

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Like I said, is a FREE platform so why not give it a try and see if it can help you achieve your online goals? I believe that Online Store Listing fees and charges have become rather expensive. Such high tariffs really impact your bottom line as a seller and act as a barrier to entry for many beginner online merchants, and entrepreneurs.

Conclusion is still in the early stages of development and the founders have not as yet accepted venture capital. As a consequence you might find the site a bit clunky for your liking, and possibly not too easy to use at first. But if you are happy to be an early adopter, you might actually benefit down the road by being in from the get go, as being in on a new platform that is growing might just take you and your products with it. After all as it grows and markets itself you and other stores on the platform will automatically benefit with increased visibility, standing out like a big fish on instead of remaining a Minnow on one the more established platforms.

Which ever platform you do decide to go with I wish you good luck and great selling.

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