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If you are Poor You are More Likely To Catch Coronavirus. Emily Maitlis debunks the notion that Coronavirus affect us all equally. - Views ( 3851 )

If you are Poor You are More Likely To Catch Coronavirus. Emily Maitlis debunks the notion that Coronavirus affect us all equally.

Welcome to the If you are Poor You are More Likely To Catch Coronavirus. Emily Maitlis debunks the notion that Coronavirus affect us all equally. Blog Last modified 2020-04-11


If you are Poor You are More Likely To Catch Coronavirus. Emily Maitlis debunks the notion that Coronavirus affect us all equally.

If you are Poor You are More Likely To Catch Coronavirus. Emily Maitlis debunks the notion that Coronavirus affect us all equally. , Last Modified, 2020-04-11

The Myth Debunked.

Emily Maitlis Debunks The Myth The Coronavirus Affects Both Rich and Poor Equally, It Does Not. Mrs Maitlis highlights some hard truths. If you are a front line worker, you are more likely to be poorer and more exposed to the Coronavirus.

Trite and misleading

You do not survive this illness through fortitude and strength of character, despite what ever the prime ministers colleagues will tell us.

The disease is not a great leveller

Rich and poor alike are affected but they are not affected the same. This is a myth which needs debunking. Bus drivers, nurses, shelf stackers, care-home workers, hospital staff and shopkeepers, all of whom are disproportionately the lower paid members of our workforce, are more likely to catch the disease because they are more exposed.

Those that live in tower blocks and small flats will find the lock-down tougher. Those in manual jobs who are unable to work from home. This is a health issue with huge ramifications for social welfare and it's a welfare issue with huge ramifications for public health.

France goes into Recession

Tonight as France goes into recession and the world trade organisation warns that pandemic could provoke the deepest economic downturn of our lifetimes.

Cutting through the bureaucratic masks we see everyday during the briefings and foregrounding the importance in all of this: human beings. If the people in power put their collective ego's in their pockets things would be different. My little sister is on the front line treating Covid-19 patients. If they could see what she sees i'm sure things would change, and they'd be humanised. God bless the NHS, binmen, supermarket workers et al.

Yes, these myths and pieces of spin put out there by ministers need debunking. When all this is over it's going to be the supermarket workers, the bus drivers, the farmers, the cleaners, the care home workers and the NHS staff who will have got us through. Hope we reevaluate and realise everyone truly matters in society.

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Emily Maitlis debunking the myth that the Coronavirus is a great leveller which affects the rich the same as the poor.

If you are Poor you are more likely to catch Corona Virus. Debunking the Myth that Corona Virus Attacks Rich and Poor in Equal Measures, Newsnight's Emily Maitlis Tells It Like It Really Is.

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