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OMB Social - Overview

OnMyBubble.com is a social networking site that enables individuals to create personal profiles, connect with others, and share content and information with a wider network of people. Here are the basic features found in our OMB Social section of the site:

  1. User Profiles: Users create personalised profiles that showcase their information, such as name, profile picture (avatar), bio (Interests), and additional details. Profiles can be customised to reflect individual preferences and interests.
  2. Friends and Connections: Users can connect with other individuals on the platform by sending friend requests or following their profiles. Once connected, users can view and interact with each other's content.
  3. News Feed: The news feed serves as a central hub where users can see updates from their friends and connections. It displays a chronological stream of posts, including status updates, photos, videos, and shared links.
  4. Communication Tools: OMB Social provides various communication tools to facilitate interaction between users. These tools include private messaging, comments, likes, and sharing options for posts and content.
  5. Content Sharing: Users can share different types of content on OMB Social, such as text-based posts, photos, videos, and links. This content can be shared with specific individuals or with a wider audience, depending on the user's privacy settings.
  6. Privacy Controls: OMB Social offers privacy settings that allow users to control who can view their profile, posts, and other personal information. Users can customise their privacy preferences to ensure their desired level of confidentiality.
  7. Groups and Communities: OMB Social includes features that allow users to create or join groups based on shared interests, hobbies, or affiliations. These groups serve as spaces for like-minded individuals to connect and discuss specific topics.
  8. Notifications: OMB Social users receive notifications about activities related to their profile, such as friend requests, comments on their posts, or updates from their connections. These notifications help users stay updated and engaged with their network.
  9. Explore and Discover: OMB Social provides tools to help users discover new connections, pages, groups, or trending content. This feature enables users to expand their network and explore content that aligns with their interests.
  10. Mobile Accessibility: With the widespread use of smartphones, OMB Social offers mobile applications that allow users to access the platform on their mobile devices. This ensures that users can stay connected and engaged while on the go.

Please be aware that the content posted on OMB Social is created by users of the site. The views and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of each individual member and may not necessarily reflect those of the site owners or operators.

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  1. Ensuring Online Safety: At OnMyBubble.com, we prioritise the online safety and privacy of our users. We provide robust privacy features and security settings to empower our users in safeguarding themselves and their online activities. We encourage all users to explore and utilise these privacy and security settings, including customisable privacy controls that allow you to choose who can access your profiles, posts, and personal information. It's important to maintain strong password security by choosing unique and complex passwords and not sharing this information with anyone. We also recommend regularly updating your passwords to further enhance account security.
  2. Protecting Your Information: At OnMyBubble.com, we take the protection of your information seriously. We will never send unsolicited emails to our members, and we will never ask for credit card details. It's crucial to exercise caution when sharing personal information online and to promptly report any suspicious activities. Remember, your privacy and security are of utmost importance to us. By following these guidelines and utilising the privacy and security features available, you can help create a safe and secure environment for your online interactions.
  3. Staying Informed and Responsible: As responsible members of the OnMyBubble.com community, we encourage you to stay informed about online safety practices. Regularly review and update your privacy and security settings to ensure they align with your preferences. Remember to never share your password with anyone, avoid using the same password across multiple platforms, and promptly report any unauthorised or suspicious activities. By adhering to these guidelines and being vigilant in protecting your personal information, you can enjoy a safe and trusted online experience on our platform.
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New users should undertand the importance of completing the OMB profile, and engaging with others in order to optimise the experience on OnMyBubble.com:

"When you become a member of OnMyBubble.com, we recommend starting by completing your OMB profile. This involves uploading an avatar or profile photograph and adjusting your preferences and settings to personalise your experience. Don't forget to fill out the bio section to let others know more about you. By completing your profile, you introduce yourself to the community and make your membership more meaningful.

To optimise your experience on the platform, we encourage you to regularly post updates, share content, and engage with others. Actively participating and interacting with the community fosters connections and enriches your social experience. Additionally, adding friends on the site can enhance your engagement and networking opportunities. However, for your security, we recommend only interacting with people you know and trust on the site. Always prioritise safety and follow the guidelines outlined above.

It's important to note that adding a profile photograph or avatar opens up many features on the site. Blank profiles typically do not rank well, and having a visual representation helps others recognise and connect with you. So, don't forget to add a profile photograph or avatar to make the most of your OnMyBubble.com experience."

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  1. Adding Friends: Adding friends on OnMyBubble.com is a fundamental aspect of building connections and expanding your social network within the community.
  2. Finding Friends: Friends can be found through various methods, such as word of mouth, informing your existing real-life and online friends about the site and your profile. You can also search for people by their username or discover potential friends by engaging with content in the blogger, marketplace or gamer sections as well as the social section of the site, also by utilising the site's search features.
  3. Connecting with Friends: Friends can be invited, and the connection is established when a friend request is accepted. Once connected, you can share status posts, status replies, and private messages with your friends.
  4. Interactions with Non-Friends: While commenting on a member's blog posts is possible for non-friended accounts, it does not grant access to sharing private messages. Only connected friends can view private messages, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of member communications.
  5. Blocking and Unfriending: On OnMyBubble.com, you have the ability to block or unfriend other members if desired. This feature allows you to manage your connections and interactions within the community.
  6. Advantages of a Larger Friend Network: Having a larger friend network on the site offers various advantages. It opens up rewards like loyalty badges, which can lead to increased OMB Coin rewards in certain situations. Additionally, friends can tip or support each other for content contributions, such as hosting games or apps on the site.
  7. Access to Photo Galleries: Friends can access each other's photo galleries, allowing for shared experiences and visual interactions within the community.
  8. Privacy Settings and Friend Connections: Privacy settings on OnMyBubble.com are linked in several ways to friends. You can customise and manage your privacy preferences regarding what friends can view and access.
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  1. Status Posts: Users can create status posts on their own profile, which may include images and can be modified with hashtags to aid content discovery.
  2. Reply Permissions: Only connected friends can reply to status posts. Subject to privacy settings non-friended members can find and read public status posts but cannot interact with them.
  3. Private Messages (PMs): Private messages are available exclusively to connected friends. To send a PM, you must visit a friend's profile page, where both the status and PM message boxes allow communication. Friend status posts are publicly viewable based on the user's privacy settings, while PMs are strictly private between the sender and recipient. Friends cannot see each other's PM inboxes; they can only access their own.
  4. Reviews and Comments: Certain content, such as blog posts and online store listings, may allow members to post reviews or comments. These do not have the same status as status posts.
  5. Removal and Reporting: All status messages can be removed from a person's profile. If you reply to a member's status post, they have the option to remove your comment. Members cannot remove or edit other members' status posts. However, it is possible to report abusive content. Any content that violates the site's terms and conditions will be subject to moderator review and may be taken down.
  6. Compliance with Terms: All posts must adhere to the site's terms and conditions. Members should familiarise themselves with these terms before using the site to ensure their content is in compliance.
  7. Hashtags, Mentions, Likes, and Rewards: Members can use hashtags and mentions by typing the "@" symbol for mentions or the "#" symbol for hashtags. Likes, mentions, and hashtags contribute to a member's discovery on the site and can lead to rewards.
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  1. Gallery System: Each member has a gallery system that allows them to upload images to various galleries.
  2. Default Restrictions: Gallery images are restricted to friends by default. This means that only connected friends can access and view the images within a member's gallery.
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  1. Become an Influencer: OnMyBubble.com provides a valuable platform for influencers to connect with their followers and expand their reach.
  2. Posting Content: As an influencer on the site, you can post engaging content directly to your followers. Utilise the Blogger Content Management System to create and share articles, stories, and updates, keeping your audience informed and entertained.
  3. Online Stores: In addition to the Blogger Content Management System, influencers can leverage the Online Stores feature on OnMyBubble.com. Showcase and sell products, merchandise, or services to your fan base, creating an additional revenue stream and enhancing your brand presence.
  4. Gamer Section: For influencers involved in gaming content, the Gamer section on OnMyBubble.com offers a dedicated space to share gameplays, reviews, and connect with fellow gaming enthusiasts. Engage with your audience through gaming-related content and build a community around your passion.
  5. OMB Coin and OMB Cash Token: OnMyBubble.com operates on the OMB Coin and OMB Cash Token system, which allows friends and followers to reward influencers for their content. Your fans can show support and appreciation by offering tips or subscriptions for your games, apps, or other content, further incentivising your influence and creativity.
  6. Bring Your Fan Base: By joining OnMyBubble.com, you have the opportunity to bring your existing fan base to a dynamic and engaging platform. Encourage your followers to join you on the site, where they can directly interact with your content, support you through OMB Coins and OMB Cash Tokens, and online store merchandise and become a part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.
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